Family Law 3x01

‘Family Law’ 3×01 Review: “What Came First?”

Family Law is finally back on my screen and I couldn’t be more excited! It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen it that I actually recently went back and rewatched the first two seasons. So I am feeling more than ready for the kickoff of the third season. And it wasn’t pulling any punches with the storyline it decided to hit us with right out of the gate. Especially considering that Abby is still dealing with her own divorce and the main case was all about a woman dealing with her ex-husband who wanted to use their last embryo to start a new family with someone else. So it absolutely had her feeling a little raw. Keep reading for my Family Law 3×01 review!


Abby having to split her time in the house with Frank was beyond frustrating. At least, it certainly seemed that way and I can only imagine how much worse it continued to get with every passing moment. I’ve never been a big fan of Frank, so maybe that also makes me biased in my thinking. But I feel like he went out of his way in so many different ways to make things exceptionally difficult for Abby while it was her turn to be there with the kids. And it just felt really unnecessary and honestly went a long way toward making me dislike him even more. Something I didn’t even think was possible. And honestly, his thin excuses about not being able to look at pictures of Abby or any of her things because he was lonely felt like crap. Sorry, I just don’t believe it.

Family Law 3x01

Image via The CW

Speaking of the kids, I know they have a lot going on. And I know they are also dealing with a lot and that the entire situation is new to them too. Plus, their relationship with their mom is definitely strained, especially between Abby and Sofia. But jeez, they did not give her a break. It was one complaint after the other and they should have just recorded themselves saying “Dad doesn’t do it like that” with how many times that sentiment was spoken by them. I get it, I do, but they could have given Abby at least a little bit of a break. I’m well aware she isn’t perfect but neither is Frank.

Right or Wrong

This show never pulls any punches so I really wasn’t surprised when they came in hot with the case of the week they gave us for the season premiere. Hannah and her ex-husband Terry are once again back in court. This time it’s not about their marriage but about their embryo. The last one they have left. And Terry want right to it in order to start a new family with his new partner. Hannah is openly devastated and angry about the discussion and entire situation. And clearly still reeling from her husband leaving her for man. I was genuinely unsure about which way the case would go. But I was also unsure about which side of things would be right.

Naturally, Abby came up with a solution out in left field. When the judge ruled that it was acceptable for Terry and his husband to use the embryo for reproduction services, Abby decided to encourage Hannah to use the embryo to have a baby of her own. Which came with more time in court and a long list of other complications, tensions, and questions. Plus, clearly Abby had her own stake in the game as her reactions were at least partially influenced by her own struggles and issues in her relationship with Frank. I don’t think Daniel was wrong when he called it a revenge baby. Because that was absolutely what Abby was encouraging even if she didn’t want to admit it.

Best Possible Outcome

In the end, the judge said it best when he said that no matter what decision was made, it was impossible for everyone to leave happy. And technically, Abby’s client did win as she was afforded the rights to the last embryo. But Abby obviously put her own feelings aside and was able to have a true heart to heart with Hannah, who didn’t seem very happy about the judge ruling in her favor. And the fact that Terry and Hannah were able to sit down and discuss things in a civil manner in the end and decided to find a surrogate together along with both being able to be in the child’s life seemed like the best possible outcome. So maybe it wasn’t necessarily right or wrong, but at least there is no doubt the child will be loved.

Family Law 3x01

Image via The CW

What did you think of Family Law 3×01? Will you be tuning in for the rest of season three? What did you think of the case in this episode and how it hit for Abby? Where do you think this season will take things with Abby and the others? What do you want to see from this season? Are you ready to see Abby find her happy this season? Because I know I am? But do you think it will be with Aiden? Or will someone else come along? You can find and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to talk about all things Family Law! Be sure to check out our site for more articles, quizzes, podcasts, and more on all things Disney and beyond!

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